a young smiling girl close to the camera with adults sitting on a wooden floor and talking in the background

Numerica Credit Union

Research, Strategy, Creative

Like many other financial services providers, Numerica Credit Union had relied on rate promotions as their primary marketing strategy. New leadership identified the need for a strong, relatable brand to enhance perceived value and grow relationships in a crowded market.

Within months of the rebrand, the rate of new account acquisition grew over 60 percent per month. The significant jump in loan growth created a corresponding need for deposits within six months, which was able to be addressed by raising $67 million in new deposits from a single two-week radio flight building on the brand message.

Numerica Credit Union old logo developed by unknown
Numerica Credit Union new logo developed by The Karma Group


When you take it a layer below the surface, money isn’t about money. It’s about personal empowerment and freedom from anxiety. Interestingly, our research showed that whether or not someone worries about money often has less to do with how much they have and more to do with how well it is managed. We found that people with more money often stress more about it simply because they have more to think about and manage.

Using the brand message “Life moves. Live well.”, we positioned Numerica Credit Union as the financial services partner who helps you remove stress and anxiety from your life.

Cross over to the bright side. - Numerica Credit Union membership ad
"Complicated checking rules!" said no one ever. - Numerica Credit Union checking account ad




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